Java Programmer's Toolkit
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File: HashedMap.java
Originally written by Doug Lea and released into the public domain.
Thanks for the assistance and support of Sun Microsystems Labs, Agorics
Inc, Loral, and everyone contributing, testing, and using this code.
Date Who What
24Sep95 dl@cs.oswego.edu Create from collections.java working file
13Oct95 dl Changed protection statuses
21Oct95 dl fixed error in removeAt
package collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* Hash table implementation of Map
* @author Doug Lea
* @version 0.94
* <P> For an introduction to this package see <A HREF="index.html"> Overview </A>.
public class HashedMap extends UpdatableMapImpl
implements UpdatableMap, HashTableParams {
// instance variables
* The table. Each entry is a list. Null if no table allocated
protected LLPair table_[];
* The threshold load factor
protected float loadFactor_;
// constructors
* Make a new empty map.
public HashedMap() { this(null, defaultLoadFactor); }
* Make a new empty map to use given element screener.
public HashedMap(Predicate screener) { this(screener, defaultLoadFactor); }
* Special version of constructor needed by clone()
protected HashedMap(Predicate s, float f) {
super(s); table_ = null; loadFactor_ = f;
* Make an independent copy of the table. Elements themselves are not cloned.
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
HashedMap c = new HashedMap(screener_, loadFactor_);
if (count_ != 0) {
int cap = 2 * (int)((count_ / loadFactor_)) + 1;
if (cap < defaultInitialBuckets) cap = defaultInitialBuckets;
for (int i = 0; i < table_.length; ++i) {
for (LLPair p = table_[i]; p != null; p = (LLPair)(p.next()))
c.putAt(p.key(), p.element());
return c;
// HashTableParams methods
* Implements collections.HashTableParams.buckets.
* Time complexity: O(1).
* @see collections.HashTableParams#buckets.
public synchronized int buckets() {
return (table_ == null)? 0 : table_.length;
* Implements collections.HashTableParams.buckets.
* Time complexity: O(n).
* @see collections.HashTableParams#buckets.
public synchronized void buckets(int newCap)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (newCap == buckets())
else if (newCap >= 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible Hash table size:" + newCap);
* Implements collections.HashTableParams.thresholdLoadfactor
* Time complexity: O(1).
* @see collections.HashTableParams#thresholdLoadfactor
public synchronized float thresholdLoadFactor() {
return loadFactor_;
* Implements collections.HashTableParams.thresholdLoadfactor
* Time complexity: O(n).
* @see collections.HashTableParams#thresholdLoadfactor
public synchronized void thresholdLoadFactor(float desired)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (desired > 0.0) {
loadFactor_ = desired;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible Hash table load factor:" + desired);
// Collection methods
* Implements collections.Collection.includes.
* Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
* @see collections.Collection#includes
public synchronized boolean includes(Object element) {
if (element == null || count_ == 0) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < table_.length; ++i) {
LLPair hd = table_[i];
if (hd != null && hd.find(element) != null) return true;
return false;
* Implements collections.Collection.occurrencesOf.
* Time complexity: O(n).
* @see collections.Collection#occurrencesOf
public synchronized int occurrencesOf(Object element) {
if (element == null || count_ == 0) return 0;
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < table_.length; ++i) {
LLPair hd = table_[i];
if (hd != null) c += hd.count(element);
return c;
* Implements collections.Collection.elements.
* Time complexity: O(1).
* @see collections.Collection#elements
public synchronized CollectionEnumeration elements() {
return new HTPairEnumeration(this, table_, false);
// Map methods
* Implements collections.Map.includesKey.
* Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
* @see collections.Map#includesKey
public synchronized boolean includesKey(Object key) {
if (key == null || count_ == 0) return false;
LLPair p = table_[hashOf(key)];
if (p != null) return p.findKey(key) != null;
else return false;
* Implements collections.Map.includesAt
* Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
* @see collections.Map#includesAt
public synchronized boolean includesAt(Object key, Object element) {
if (key == null || element == null || count_ == 0) return false;
LLPair p = table_[hashOf(key)];
if (p != null) return p.find(key, element) != null;
else return false;
* Implements collections.Map.keys.
* Time complexity: O(1).
* @see collections.Map#keys
public synchronized CollectionEnumeration keys() {
return new HTPairEnumeration(this, table_, true);
* Implements collections.Map.at.
* Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
* @see collections.Map#at
public synchronized Object at(Object key)
throws NoSuchElementException {
if (count_ != 0) {
LLPair p = table_[hashOf(key)];
if (p != null) {
LLPair c = p.findKey(key);
if (c != null) return c.element();
throw new NoSuchElementException("no Key matching argument " + key);
* Implements collections.Map.aKeyOf.
* Time complexity: O(n).
* @see collections.Map#aKeyOf
public synchronized Object aKeyOf(Object element) {
if (element == null || count_ == 0) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < table_.length; ++i) {
LLPair hd = table_[i];
if (hd != null) {
LLPair p = ((LLPair)(hd.find(element)));
if (p != null) return p.key();
return null;
// UpdatableCollection methods
* Implements collections.UpdatableCollection.clear.
* Time complexity: O(1).
* @see collections.UpdatableCollection#clear
public synchronized void clear() {
table_ = null;
* Implements collections.UpdatableCollection.exclude.
* Time complexity: O(n).
* @see collections.UpdatableCollection#exclude
public synchronized void exclude(Object element) {
remove_(element, true);
* Implements collections.UpdatableCollection.removeOneOf.
* Time complexity: O(n).
* @see collections.UpdatableCollection#removeOneOf
public synchronized void removeOneOf(Object element) {
remove_(element, false);
* Implements collections.UpdatableCollection.replaceOneOf.
* Time complexity: O(n).
* @see collections.UpdatableCollection#replaceOneOf
public synchronized void replaceOneOf(Object oldElement, Object newElement)
throws IllegalElementException {
replace_(oldElement, newElement, false);
* Implements collections.UpdatableCollection.replaceAllOf.
* Time complexity: O(n).
* @see collections.UpdatableCollection#replaceAllOf
public synchronized void replaceAllOf(Object oldElement, Object newElement)
throws IllegalElementException {
replace_(oldElement, newElement, true);
* Implements collections.UpdatableCollection.take.
* Time complexity: O(number of buckets).
* @see collections.UpdatableCollection#take
public synchronized Object take()
throws NoSuchElementException {
if (count_ != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < table_.length; ++i) {
if (table_[i] != null) {
Object v = table_[i].element();
table_[i] = (LLPair)(table_[i].next());
return v;
return null; // not reached
// UpdatableMap methods
* Implements collections.UpdatableMap.putAt.
* Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
* @see collections.UpdatableMap#putAt
public synchronized void putAt(Object key, Object element) {
if (table_ == null) resize(defaultInitialBuckets);
int h = hashOf(key);
LLPair hd = table_[h];
if (hd == null) {
table_[h] = new LLPair(key, element, hd);
else {
LLPair p = hd.findKey(key);
if (p != null) {
if (!p.element().equals(element)) {
else {
table_[h] = new LLPair(key, element, hd);
checkLoadFactor(); // we only check load factor on add to nonempty bin
* Implements collections.UpdatableMap.removeAt.
* Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
* @see collections.UpdatableMap#removeAt
public synchronized void removeAt(Object key) {
if (key == null || count_ == 0) return;
int h = hashOf(key);
LLPair hd = table_[h];
LLPair p = hd;
LLPair trail = p;
while (p != null) {
LLPair n = (LLPair)(p.next());
if (p.key().equals(key)) {
if (p == hd) table_[h] = n;
else trail.unlinkNext();
else {
trail = p;
p = n;
* Implements collections.UpdatableMap.replaceElement.
* Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
* @see collections.UpdatableMap#replaceElement
public synchronized void replaceElement(Object key, Object oldElement,
Object newElement)
throws IllegalElementException {
if (key == null || oldElement == null || count_ == 0) return;
LLPair p = table_[hashOf(key)];
if (p != null) {
LLPair c = p.find(key, oldElement);
if (c != null) {
// Helper methods
* Check to see if we are past load factor threshold. If so, resize
* so that we are at half of the desired threshold.
* Also while at it, check to see if we are empty so can just
* unlink table.
protected void checkLoadFactor() {
if (table_ == null) {
if (count_ != 0) resize(defaultInitialBuckets);
else {
float fc = (float)(count_);
float ft = table_.length;
if (fc / ft > loadFactor_) {
int newCap = 2 * (int)(fc / loadFactor_) + 1;
* Mask off and remainder the hashCode for element
* so it can be used as table index
protected final int hashOf(Object element) {
return (element.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) % table_.length;
protected void resize(int newCap) {
LLPair newtab[] = new LLPair[newCap];
if (table_ != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < table_.length; ++i) {
LLPair p = table_[i];
while (p != null) {
LLPair n = (LLPair)(p.next());
int h = (p.key().hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) % newCap;
newtab[h] = p;
p = n;
table_ = newtab;
// helpers
private void remove_(Object element, boolean allOccurrences) {
if (element == null || count_ == 0) return;
for (int h = 0; h < table_.length; ++h) {
LLCell hd = table_[h];
LLCell p = hd;
LLCell trail = p;
while (p != null) {
LLPair n = (LLPair)(p.next());
if (p.element().equals(element)) {
if (p == table_[h]) { table_[h] = n; trail = n; }
else trail.next(n);
if (!allOccurrences) return;
else p = n;
else {
trail = p;
p = n;
private void replace_(Object oldElement, Object newElement, boolean allOccurrences)
throws IllegalElementException {
if (count_ == 0 || oldElement == null || oldElement.equals(newElement))
for (int h = 0; h < table_.length; ++h) {
LLCell hd = table_[h];
LLCell p = hd;
LLCell trail = p;
while (p != null) {
LLPair n = (LLPair)(p.next());
if (p.element().equals(oldElement)) {
if (!allOccurrences) return;
trail = p;
p = n;
// ImplementationCheckable methods
* Implements collections.ImplementationCheckable.checkImplementation.
* @see collections.ImplementationCheckable#checkImplementation
public synchronized void checkImplementation()
throws ImplementationError {
assert(!(table_ == null && count_ != 0));
assert((table_ == null || table_.length > 0));
assert(loadFactor_ > 0.0f);
if (table_ == null) return;
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < table_.length; ++i) {
for (LLPair p = table_[i]; p != null; p = (LLPair)(p.next())) {
assert(occurrencesOf(p.element()) >= 1);
assert(includesAt(p.key(), p.element()));
assert(hashOf(p.key()) == i);
assert(c == count_);